Our Philosophy

Seeking to grow your income over the long term
We design portfolios for investors who seek a higher level of income than generally available from growth-oriented equity strategies.  These strategies are most appropriate for those investors willing to accept a lower level of income now in exchange for the opportunity of long-term growth over time.


Developing Your Income Streams
Our process is threefold:

  1. Develop an appropriate asset allocation based on your personal risk tolerance (both strategically and tactically).  
  2. Select investments that have the potential for dividend and asset growth.
  3. Rebalance these assets to maintain a well-defined investment policy statement (IPS).

Investors planning for retirement or in the beginning stage of retirement may have investment time horizons more than 20 years, a time horizon that may allow them to assume some degree of investment risk.  At the same time, they may be looking for their portfolio to provide a growing source of income to support their lifestyle, and secondarily have some long-term growth and asset appreciation potential.

Most investment planning strategies, when called upon to provide income, start moving the client down the risk spectrum toward the significant allocations in high-quality bonds.  Such a strategy may result in portfolio risk level well below the clients actual risk tolerance level and may cost the client a significant amount of potential income.

Income strategies focused exclusively on high-quality bonds not only may cost investors potential income, but may also expose long-term investors to significant investment risks. 


Asset allocation does not ensure a profit or protect against loss.